

Intellectual Property Management Plan

In the past few years, Chia Hsin Group has been expanding and deepening into global markets. In addition to being devoted to brand management, CHC also aims to strengthen the supervision of its subsidiaries, continuously elevating employees’ understanding of intellectual property protection. Furthermore, CHC has instituted the Intellectual Property Management Guidelines by linking innovation with operation to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of intellectual property management.


1. Trademark Management

The Trademark Management Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Intellectual Property Management Guidelines. Annual reviewing and auditing of CHC’s brand and trademark registry by management. Establishing guidelines for the brand and trademark maintenance to broaden brand visibility. Moreover, promote corporate identity strategies of CHC Group for continuous improvement by coordinating with its subsidiaries.

2. Protection of Trade Secrets

CHC Group acknowledges that any breach or violation of trade secret will cause irrevocable damage. We value the protection of trade secret and take reasonable measures to maintain its secrecy. Not-disclosure agreements are included in employment contracts. Hence, all employees are responsible to comply with confidentiality obligations during the period of employment and after termination. Such employees shall be fully responsible for any breach or violation of the confidentiality obligations.

3. Protection of Trade Secrets

CHC Group is greatly aware of copyrights and other intellectual property rights. All copyrights or other intellectual property rights of work created or developed within the workplace by employees shall be enjoyed by CHC Group; in the event of a third-party collaboration, we stand to confirm that legal rights are complied with all laws and regulations without any infringement.

Operation of the Intellectual Property Management

  1. CHC updates to the Board of Directors the status of the intellectual property management scheme on a yearly basis. The latest report date is December 12, 2024.

  2. CHC Group has been actively promoting intellectual property management, and the main implementation of this plan is as follows:

(1) Update intellectual property management policy and goal regularly to support overseas development and operation target.

(2) The trademark application process and management system will continue to be refined in 2024. Until November 26, 2024, CHC Group owns 83 trademarks in major countries (Taiwan, Japan, China, etc.).

(3) Optimize the trade secret management system to strengthen the CHC Group’s trade secret protection awareness.